< p >Autism is a developmental disorder that can cause parents’ stress, especially for the mothers. Participating of mothers in aquatic interventions can reduce their stress. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of 8 weeks of playing children with the Autism disorder in water on stress of their mothers. For this purpose, 26 mothers with Autistic girls (6-12 years old) have been selected and according to the children’s scores in Wechsler and GARS tests were assigned in two groups. Children of the experimental group participated in a program of playing in water for eight weeks. Children of the control group received no intervention. All participants completed (Parenting Stress Index) before and after the intervention. For data analysis, we used two independent sample t-test and ANOVA with repeated measures. The results showed that participation of children with Autism disorder in the intervention did not have a significant effect on the stress of their mothers (p> 0/05). These findings suggest that perhaps a longer time is required for effectiveness of the intervention. So it should be considered in future research.
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Hashemi, N. , Azimzadeh, E. and Ghasemi, A. (2020). Effect of playing in water of Autistic children on their mothers’ stress. Sports Psychology, 12(1), 1-11. doi: 10.29252/mbsp.5.1.1
Hashemi, N. , , Azimzadeh, E. , and Ghasemi, A. . "Effect of playing in water of Autistic children on their mothers’ stress", Sports Psychology, 12, 1, 2020, 1-11. doi: 10.29252/mbsp.5.1.1
Hashemi, N., Azimzadeh, E., Ghasemi, A. (2020). 'Effect of playing in water of Autistic children on their mothers’ stress', Sports Psychology, 12(1), pp. 1-11. doi: 10.29252/mbsp.5.1.1
N. Hashemi , E. Azimzadeh and A. Ghasemi, "Effect of playing in water of Autistic children on their mothers’ stress," Sports Psychology, 12 1 (2020): 1-11, doi: 10.29252/mbsp.5.1.1
Hashemi, N., Azimzadeh, E., Ghasemi, A. Effect of playing in water of Autistic children on their mothers’ stress. Sports Psychology, 2020; 12(1): 1-11. doi: 10.29252/mbsp.5.1.1