Anticipation skill is a strategy to reduce the response time or even reduce the processing steps that is normally used to response to a stimulus. The aim of the present research is designing and building software that has the ability to measurement accuracy of temporal anticipation. To check the validation, 30 participants (male students) who participated voluntarily from the Faculty of physical education of Tehran university. Executive software environment dimensions and speed of stimulus and Length of stimulus path are according to fit the dimensions of Digital type speed anticipation reaction tester. With the difference that a few other speed options we've added in software. The software is designed in such a way that uses automatically maximum amount of screen size. The distance of person from screen is calculated proportional to the speed anticipation device manually. For the validity and reliability, we use correlation of Pearson assessment between application data with Digital type speed anticipation reaction tester model (TAKEI_1108). In determining the validity of software, Pearson correlation analysis results did not show a significant difference between the parameters of the software and the device and the highest level of correlation is reported for the slow speed r = 0.84 and fast speed r = 0.86. In determining the validity, the Pearson correlation did not shown a significant difference between the parameters of the two tests and highest correlation is reported for fast speed r = 0.90 and 0.91 for slow speed. According to what was said it is concluded that the “anticipation timer software “is software that with the high amount of validity and reliability, estimate the anticipation speed skill.
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shahbazi, M. and Nasiri, S. (2018). Validation of anticipation timer (temporal) software in student. Sports Psychology, 10(2), 69-78. doi: 10.48308/mbsp.3.2.69
shahbazi, M. , and Nasiri, S. . "Validation of anticipation timer (temporal) software in student", Sports Psychology, 10, 2, 2018, 69-78. doi: 10.48308/mbsp.3.2.69
shahbazi, M., Nasiri, S. (2018). 'Validation of anticipation timer (temporal) software in student', Sports Psychology, 10(2), pp. 69-78. doi: 10.48308/mbsp.3.2.69
M. shahbazi and S. Nasiri, "Validation of anticipation timer (temporal) software in student," Sports Psychology, 10 2 (2018): 69-78, doi: 10.48308/mbsp.3.2.69
shahbazi, M., Nasiri, S. Validation of anticipation timer (temporal) software in student. Sports Psychology, 2018; 10(2): 69-78. doi: 10.48308/mbsp.3.2.69