The aim of this study was to interactive impact of learning styles with attention focus on learning the skills of throwing darts learning skill. Statistical society of this research was girls students of Tabriz University, from those students, we chose forty peoples by who were unfamiliar with dart throwing skill. A total of 40 people in four groups of 10 patient’s divergent learning styles- internal attention, divergent learning styles- external attention, converging learning style- internal attention, converging learning style- external attention. Students attended in pretest within two weeks, each week three sessions and each session 10 attempts in five times. After learning phase, immediate retention test and transfer test one week later delayed remember test were taken. Data using one-way ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis. The results showed that there is not meaningful difference between learning styles and attention focus in acquisition, immediate retention, delayed remember and transfer (Radial and the average error) P 0/05. It seems learning styles converge with external focus of attention and divergent learning styles with a focus on internal to learn more.
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Aghdasi, M. T. , , mafiasl, S. , and Mafiasl, S. . "Interactive impact of learning styles with attention focus on learning of a discrete motor skill", Sports Psychology, 10, 1, 2018, 85-98. doi: 10.48308/mbsp.3.1.85
Aghdasi, M. T., mafiasl, S., Mafiasl, S. (2018). 'Interactive impact of learning styles with attention focus on learning of a discrete motor skill', Sports Psychology, 10(1), pp. 85-98. doi: 10.48308/mbsp.3.1.85
M. T. Aghdasi , S. mafiasl and S. Mafiasl, "Interactive impact of learning styles with attention focus on learning of a discrete motor skill," Sports Psychology, 10 1 (2018): 85-98, doi: 10.48308/mbsp.3.1.85
Aghdasi, M. T., mafiasl, S., Mafiasl, S. Interactive impact of learning styles with attention focus on learning of a discrete motor skill. Sports Psychology, 2018; 10(1): 85-98. doi: 10.48308/mbsp.3.1.85