Purpose: The evidence indicates the improvement of sports performance and skills as a result of visualization and self-talk interventions, and the combination of these two exercises by using non-verbal information system and verbal information system can improve performance. Therefore, the purpose of research was carried out on strategic self-talk interventions and mental imagery on soccer dribbling skills. Methods: In this semi-experimental study, which was conducted with a pre-test-post-test design with a control group, among the girls aged 12 to 15 in Chadgan city who had no experience in soccer dribbling skills; 56 participants were selected in a purposeful way and were placed in four groups: strategic self-talk, visualization, strategic self-talk + visualization (combined) and control. The study included pre-test, intervention and post-test phases. In the pre-test phase, the participants performed the soccer dribbling skill in three attempts. The intervention phase was conducted in three weeks and three sessions each week and each session lasted 20 minutes, and the participants performed the relevant exercises. After finishing the training phase, the post-test phase was conducted in the same way as the pre-test phase. Results: The results showed that both the intervention of strategic self-talk, the intervention of mental imagery and the combination of these two interventions have a significant effect on improving the performance of soccer dribbling skills (P<0.05). Also, other results showed that the combination of strategic self-talk interventions and mental imagery, compared to the implementation of these interventions alone, statistically led to a better performance of soccer dribbling skills (P<0.05).
Bahrami, A. and Abbasi, S. (2024). The effect of the combination of strategic self-talk interventions and mental imagery on soccer dribbling skills. Sports Psychology, (), -. doi: 10.48308/mbsp.2024.235777.1259
Bahrami, A. , and Abbasi, S. . "The effect of the combination of strategic self-talk interventions and mental imagery on soccer dribbling skills", Sports Psychology, , , 2024, -. doi: 10.48308/mbsp.2024.235777.1259
Bahrami, A., Abbasi, S. (2024). 'The effect of the combination of strategic self-talk interventions and mental imagery on soccer dribbling skills', Sports Psychology, (), pp. -. doi: 10.48308/mbsp.2024.235777.1259
A. Bahrami and S. Abbasi, "The effect of the combination of strategic self-talk interventions and mental imagery on soccer dribbling skills," Sports Psychology, (2024): -, doi: 10.48308/mbsp.2024.235777.1259
Bahrami, A., Abbasi, S. The effect of the combination of strategic self-talk interventions and mental imagery on soccer dribbling skills. Sports Psychology, 2024; (): -. doi: 10.48308/mbsp.2024.235777.1259