Article preparation guide
The Journal of Sport Psychology intends to publish Original Research Articles and Case Reports in the field of motor behavior research that has not been previously published in any domestic journal.
The article must be prepared according to the following instructions, otherwise, it will not be accepted initially and will be returned to the author.
- The original version of the article (Manuscript) should be typed using Microsoft Word software version 2010 or 2013. Page size, A4 with normal margin (one inch apart on all four sides) is set as a column and page number at the bottom and middle.
- The method of entering numbers should be set to Context according to the following address
File > Options > Advanced > Www > Numeral > Context
The spaces between the letters (character spacing) in Persian and English should be set according to the following command: {scale: 100% spacing: normal positon: normal}
- The spacing between the lines in the whole main text (Line spacing) is set to single.
- The different titles of the article (abstract, introduction, methodology, etc.) should be a space with their previous paragraphs and no space with their next paragraph.
- The color of all Persian, English lines, tables, and charts should be black.
- The size of English letters and words used inside the Persian texts should be one size smaller than the size of Persian letters.
All the numbers used in Persian texts should be typed in Persian and the shape of the dots in Persian and English numbers should be according to the following example: Persian: (02/02/25) English: (0.02 25.02).
Abbreviations should be defined once the first time they are stated (except for the abstract) and then used consistently.
- Use as few acronyms as possible.
- Try to avoid using English scientific terms and instead their Persian equivalents should be used.
Only unfamiliar scientific terms should be subtitled and there is no need to subtitle the names of foreign researchers.
General Tips
The different sections of the article should be arranged in the following order:
- Article title page and authors profile
- Persian Abstract Title of the article
- Persian abstract of the article and its keywords
English Abstract title of the article
English Abstract of the article and its keywords
- Introduction
- research method
Research examples
Research protocol
Laboratory methods
Statistical analysis methods
- findings
- Discussion
- Acknowledgments (optional)
- References
- Tables
- Figure
Article title page and authors profile:
The title page of the article and the authors' profile should be set in the following order:
- The exact Persian title of the article
- The Persian name of all the authors, mentioning the academic rank, university address, e-mail, and mobile phone address, as well as identifying the responsible author among them.
- The exact English title of the article
- English name of all authors, mentioning academic rank, university address, e-mail, and mobile address, as well as identifying the responsible author among them.
- The exact date of sending the article to the solar and Gregorian year
Persian Abstract Title:
- The title of the Persian abstract should be set as follows:
1. Font: B Nazanin
2. Font size: 13
3. Font Style: Bold
4. Alignment: Centered
5. Direction: Right to Left
Persian Abstract Article
- The Persian abstract of the article should contain 200 words and include the purpose, methodology, findings, and conclusion, respectively.
- Article abstract should not contain undefined acronyms.
- After the abstract, provide 4 to 6 keywords that are not mentioned in the title of the article.
- Persian abstract must correspond to English abstract.
- Persian abstract should be adjusted as follows
1. Font: B Nazanin
2. Font size: 11
3. Font Style: Regular
4. Alignment: Justify Low
5. Direction: Right to Left
English Abstract Title
- The title of the English abstract should be set as follows:
1. Font: Times New Roman
2. Font size: 12
3. Font Style: Bold
4. Alignment: Centered
5. Direction: Left to Right
English Abstract of the Article
- English abstract of the article should include Purpose, Methodology, Results, and Conclusion, respectively.
- Article abstract should not contain undefined acronyms.
- After the abstract, provide 4 to 6 keywords (Key Words) that are not mentioned in the title of the article.
- English abstract should correspond to the Persian abstract.
- English abstract should be set as follows:
1. Font: Times New Roman
2. Font size: 10
3. Font Style: Regular
4. Alignment: Justify Lowe
5. Direction: Left to Right
Titles of the main text of the article (Introduction, research method, research protocol, findings and discussion, and conclusion)
The titles should be one line away from the corresponding paragraphs (Enter) and should be arranged as follows:
1. Font: B Nazanin
2. Font size: 12
3. Font Style: Bold
4. Alignment: Justify Low
5. Direction: Right to Left
The original text of the article
The main text of the article should be set as follows:
1. Font: B Nazanin
2. Font size: 12
3. Font Style: Regular
4. Alignment: Justify Low
5. Direction: Right to Left
Preparation of tables
Very simple tables with clear backgrounds can be set according to the following command and example.
- Tables should have a title at the top of the table that indicates the content of the table and the title of the table and the items in it should be numbered sequentially and arranged as follows:
1. Font: B Nazanin
2. Font size: 10
3. Font Style: Bold
4. Alignment: Centered
5. Direction: Right to Left
- The distance between the table title and the table is zero
- All the numbers in the tables should be typed in Persian and the decimal numbers should be entered correctly according to the following example (02/02 and 02/25).
- All units of measurement mentioned in the tables should be reported in Persian.
- If there are explanations for the table, those explanations at the bottom of the table should be adjusted according to the format of the table title.
Tables should not be presented in the form of photos but should be designed using Word and given in their place in the article.
- Consider the following example:
Table 2. Statistical indicators of the mean and standard deviation of groups' scores in volleyball service skill test in acquisition and retention stages.
Positive norm with a skilled pattern |
Positive norm with a beginner pattern
Processing by FP2 and SPSS software; Analysis of variance test for iterative measurements 1 (values are expressed as standard deviation + mean).
Preparation of figures
- Charts should contain a title at the bottom of the chart that indicates the content of the chart and should be numbered consecutively and set as follows:
1. Font: B Nazanin
2. Font size: 10
3. Font Style: Bold
4. Alignment: Centered
5. Direction: Right to Left
- The distance between the title of the chart and the chart is zero
- All numbers in the diagrams should be typed in Persian and the decimal number points should be entered correctly according to the following example (02/02/25).
- All units of measurement mentioned in the diagrams should be reported in Persian.
If there is a description of the chart, that description should be given at the bottom of the chart without space after the chart title in parentheses.
- Charts should not be presented as photos but should be designed using Excel software and given in place in the article.
- Consider the following example:
Figure 1. Mean and standard deviation of lateral asymmetry index in experimental and control groups in the pre-test, post-test, and retention test (# indicates significant difference with the control group).
Acknowledgments Individuals, organizations, or financial sponsors of the research should be presented separately before the list of references, entitled Acknowledgments.
- reference writing using endnote software in Vancouver format.
- Latin references are set as follows:
1. Font: Times New Roman
2. Font size: 10
3. Font Style: Regular
4. Alignment: Justify Low
5. Direction: Left to Right
Persian references should be arranged as follows:
1. Font: B Nazanin
2. Font size: 12
3. Font Style: Regular
4. Alignment: Justify Low
5. Direction: Right to Left
Use a dash between the numbering number and the text according to the sample.
- The maximum number of references is 30.
- As much as possible, books should not be used as a reference and more efforts should be made to use research articles published in prestigious scientific journals.
- Do not use student dissertations and papers presented at conferences as a reference.
- references in the text of the article should be numbered according to the order of use of the first to the end of the article in the order of presence in the text.
- The list of references at the end of the article should be in ascending order with mentioning the reference number according to the text of the article.
The reference number should be written at the end of the sentence and in parentheses.
- Persian reference should be typed in English as much as possible.
- Do not cite references in the abstract of the article.
- The reference should be written in such a way that it starts with the last name of the first author. For Persian reference, the last names and names of all authors should be mentioned, respectively. For English reference, mention the surname and then the first letter of the authors' names.
- In the references that are research articles, the full name of the journal must be mentioned in the reference and the abbreviation of the journal name must be avoided. Consider the following examples:
Research article
- Abdoli Behrooz, Ashayeri Hassan, Baqerzadeh Fazlullah, and Farrokhi Ahmad. Comparison of the effect of latent and overt learning on chain reaction time. Harakat journal. (1383); No. 19.; Pages 40-23.
Books and chapters of books
- Namazizadeh Mehdi and Aslankhani Mohammad Ali (translators). Motor development throughout life. Samat Publications, (2009); Tenth edition; Pages 535-496.
foreign references
Foreign articles and books should be written as follows:
Wulf G. Attentional focus effects in balance acrobats. Research quarterly for exercise and sport. (2008). 79, 3: pp.319-325.
Wulf G. Attention and motor learning. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. 2007.
Lee H-J, Chou L-S. Balance control during stair negotiation in older adults. Journal of biomechanics. 2007;40(11):2530-6.
Payne V. G., Isaacs L. D. Human motor development. Mc Graw-Hill. (2008)؛ pp. 429-460.
Announcing the cancellation of the authors' team from publishing their article after completing the reviewing process and not sending the revised file or withdrawing publication is possible with providing the cancellation scan containing the original signature of the authors is sent to the journal office. In this case, due to wasting team time, all members of the writers' team will be blacklisted and their future manuscripts will not be reviewed in the journal.
Recommended short title of the article for printing at the top of the pages of the article in the journal (maximum eight words)