Purpose: The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of normative feedback and modeling on performance and learning of volleyball Service skill. Methodology: Research population consists of students from different disciplines from Delfan PNU among which 60 individuals with a mean age of 21.5±1.6 were selected through random sampling. In order to make them homogeneous, participants took a 10 trials one- phase pre-test, and based on the scores obtained through pre-test, they were randomly divided into 4 matched groups, each with 15 members. Then they underwent training sessions for six weeks, two sessions a week. 48 hours after acquisition stage, the participants took a 10-trials Retention test. After ensuring that the data are normal, and the variances are equal, the research data were analyzed through statistical tests of analysis of variance, analysis of variance with repeated measures and Post hoc Tukey test. Results: The results showed that all groups, during training sessions and at different stages have made progress, but the results also showed a significant difference among the four groups in the acquisition stage (P = 0.001) and retention stage (P = 0.001), respectively. The results model shows that at the acquisition and retention stage, positive normative feedback with skilled modeling training group had a better performance compared to the other three groups. Discussion: Based on the research results, providing positive normative feedback with skilled modeling has a more facilitatous effect on learning volleyball service skills than what the others have
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