Motor learning in a self-controlled environment supporting basic psychological needs: Mediating of intrinsic motivation

Document Type : علمی- پژوهشی


1 Faculty of Physical Education, Kharazmi University of Tehran

2 Kharazmi University of Tehran


Purpose: The aim of this study was to determine the effect of self-controlled environment, supporting basic psychological needs on motor learning, and to investigate the mediating role of intrinsic motivation.
Methods: 80 right-handed volunteer students, randomly divided into 5 groups of 16 (Autonomy need support; Autonomy & Competence needs support; Autonomy & Relatedness needs support; Autonomy & Competence & Relatedness needs support; Control), blindfolded participated with non-dominant hand in 5 pre-test trials of a throwing task. Acquisition phase consisted of 10 blocks of 6 trials. Intrinsic Motivation Inventory was completed after exercise. The following day, 10 retention trials were accomplished.
Results: The results showed that in acquisition, Autonomy/Competence group was superior, but in the retention, Autonomy/Competence/Relatedness group was superior and similar to Autonomy/Relatedness group. In Intrinsic Motivation and subscales of Interest/Enjoyment and Perceived Competence, Autonomy/Competence/Relatedness group was superior, though in the Effort/Importance subscale, Autonomy/Competence/Relatedness group was superior and similar to Autonomy/Competence and Autonomy/Relatedness groups. The mediating role of Intrinsic Motivation was confirmed (p


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