The Role of Dark Triad Personality and Mental Toughness in Predicting Bodybuilders’ Attitude toward Doping

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Candidate in Psychology, Faculty of Humanities, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

2 M.A in General Psychology, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.

3 M.A in General Psychology, Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences, University of Urmia, Urmia, Iran

4 M.A in General Psychology, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences, University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran.

5 Master of Clinical Psychology, Lahijan Branch of Azad University, Lahijan, Iran


Purpose: The aim of this study was to determine the dark triad personality and mental toughness in predicting doping attitudes in male bodybuilders.
Methods: The present study is a descriptive correlational study. The study population consisted of male bodybuilders in Rasht in 2019 among whom 230 were selected by convenience sampling method. Data were collected using Performance Enhancement Attitude Scale Petróczi & Aidman’s, Dark Triad Scale Jonason & Webster’s, and Sports Mental Toughness Questionnaire Sheard et all. Data were analyzed using correlation test and multiple regression using SPSS software version 24.
Results: The results showed that Machiavellianism (r=0.625), psychopathy (r=0.468) and narcissism (r=0.420) had a positive and significant correlation with doping attitude. On the other, confidence (r=0.478), constancy (r=-0.480) and control (r= -0.570) were negatively and significantly correlated with doping attitude. Also, the variables of dark triad personality and mental toughness predicted 52.6% of the changes in attitudes toward doping in male bodybuilders (P<0.01).
Conclusion: The findings showed that bodybuilders with dark veins showed a positive attitude towards the use of illicit drugs and doping. Athletes who reduce the length of their professional exercise from adequate mental strength were drawn due to doping drugs.


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